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Ok… you got me. I totally said I would post 3 Saturdays ago and totally didn’t. I want to thoroughly apologize for leaving everyone on the edge of their seats. However, I’m back and better than ever and let me tell you a lot happened.

For starters, my squad of 44 hiked a mountain. Let me rephrase that, we struggled up a mountain with our huge 65L backpacks. I know you are wondering where this comes into the mission field, so for some context it’s the fitness requirement of the World Race. Might I add, it is the one and only fitness requirement for the trip: hike Mount Yonah in under 2 hours.

My thoughts going into the hike:

This mountain is about to be light work.

My thoughts coming out of the hike:

That mountain was indeed not “light work”.

In all honestly that gorgeous view was worth every potential bead of sweat shed. It was one of those moments when you are looking out at the world and you think to yourself, “I am about to fly”. In reality I did not fly, but if there were ever a time I was meant to fly it would have been then. Needless to say, God’s creation is so beautiful. The fact alone that all He had to do for the splendor of our universe to exist was speak… wild. I feel like I never take enough time to understand the magnitude of that. It’s moments like standing on top of a mountain that put life into perspective. So I encourage you to find your closest dramatic mountain overlook and take a hike. Maybe you too will feel like flying.

Second of all, I evangelized! To be completely and utterly transparent, it was terrifying. Imagine me standing in Walmart with candy corn in hand (totally irrelevant but felt necessary to add), trying to figure out who God could possibly be highlighting to me. My group of myself and 2 others prayed before going in and I just remember Noah (one the people in my group) telling us 2 very specific names. Meanwhile, I was sitting there thinking, “bruh, I got absolutely nothing”… or so I thought. So fast forward to me standing in Walmart with my candy corn bag, what I did not tell anyone before that moment was that I thought God had given me the color green. After Noah shared about the specific names God had shared with him I was not feeling entirely led to be like, “I think God gave me green!” If we are being honest, I think we both know why I kept that little nugget to myself. Anyways… I digress.

So I am standing in Walmart with the candy corn and I am like, “what is God telling me?” After taking various laps with my group, I am beginning to feel like a chicken with their head cut off. Then, like the flash of a firework, I see green in my peripheral. In all honesty, I bet you are thinking “SCORE”, but I was thinking more like, “Oh no, it’s game time”. So with candy corn in hand I back track and basically scope a man in a green shirt in the candy aisle. Poor man was probably just trying to get a little snack and there I came along ready to evangelize to him. Ok, in complete transparency I did not dive in right away. In actuality it took a little warm up lap and hype up talk from my little team. Naturally, after tailing him I just walked up to him and told him how God highlighted him to me. I asked him if there was anything specific I could pray for and conversed with him about his day. I remember leaving the conversation feeling accomplished. I had done something that felt really uncomfortable to me but could have potentially really benefited him. I have continued to pray for him and his prayer request since. Moral of the story: look for green shirted males in Walmart 🙂

To be vulnerable, God has done a lot of work on my heart when it has come to evangelizing. Don’t get me wrong, it still terrifies me and maybe it always will, but I am learning the importance behind evangelism. In the beginning, I was making it about how much I had to offer, what I could possibly bring to the table. In reality, it has nothing to do with me at all and so much more to do with God. When I thought about evangelizing, I kept thinking about how I have to do it all alone. The truth is, God wants to partner with me while I am doing it. He wants to work through me to reach people. He wants to take my hand and do it with me.

One thing highlighted to me throughout this time was Psalms 121 

feel free to give it a read in this very moment 🙂

Anyways, thank you all so very much for your grace and patience as I learn staying consistent with my blogs.

#slayyourday #dontsayyouaregoingtopostandthenpost3weekslater

Love y’all,

Missionary Meg

If you are feeling led to partner with me on this journey through prayer or financially click here!

10 responses to “learning to fly”

  1. Megan – You truly are so beautiful inside and out. I pray for you and your team wishing you safe travels and God is right by your side holding your hand and walking beside you each step of the way❤️ Love ya sweetie

  2. So exciting to hear your updates. Keep climbing those mountains! God has amazing views for you to discover. Proud of your courage and vulnerability and your love for God. Keep the updates coming. Always praying for you! Renae

  3. I really enjoyed reading your “I evangelized“ story. You’re doing great things for God Meggy.

  4. Way to trust God and let Him take you out of your comfort zone! Keep it up! In my personal experience it’s always worth it. Even if you don’t “accomplish” what you think He had led you into you still grow from the experience.
    And I agree with you about being blown away so many times about seeing God’s utterly amazing creation and knowing He only had to speak it into existence. Mind blown!

  5. Thanks for being so transparent about your experience, because we have all been there! You are stretching, growing and trusting….and none of those come easy. But they are all so necessary and beneficial. Kudos to you for posting (even if it was later than you wanted), for hearing God speak through the mountain AND through “green” (because being able to “hear” is something that many miss), and for giving of your time to allow God to work. You are loved!