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You guessed it… it’s next time! Welcome back to another blog from yours truly, Missionary Meg. It has officially been 2 weeks since I first began training camp in Gainesville, Georgia. You might be thinking, “What does that even mean? What is this training camp?” I am so happy you asked! It basically means I’m in a tent.


There is more to training camp than just being in a tent. Although many of my friends have been wondering how the tent life is treating me. Due to this, I would like to take the time to inform everyone that I am thriving and vibing in my gorgeous tent. Alright, moving past the tent. In just these past couple of weeks my way of life has completely changed. I have showered with a bucket… A BUCKET! Isn’t that wild? However, a basic overview of my schedule consists of: morning devos, worship time, and sessions. During sessions we usually learn about different cultural lenses and dive into the Bible. It is through learning about these lenses I have begun to understand how best to share the Gospel when abroad.

Let me just say, I have learned so much. In such a short time God has revealed His love to me and oh is it beautiful. His love for each and every one of us is overflowing and can not be contained. Going into the World Race, if you had asked me to evangelize I would have told you, “No shot shawty”. However, I never would have expected to experience God in the way I have these past few weeks. God’s love has washed over me and caused me to feel such an unbreakable joy. Now I know it needs to be shared with everyone.

I can now tell everyone with confidence that this is where I was meant to be. My team of 44 has become a family to me. It has been a blessing hearing their testimonies and being there as some of them got baptized. I could not be more thankful for the team God has gifted me with.

Sadly, we have come to the end of another one of my blogs. I know, I know, it is devastating and you probably are thinking you could read my blogs all day long. That being said, I have to build up some anticipation 🙂

Again, I want to thank everyone who is continuing to shower me in prayers, I am beyond grateful. As well as thank you to all who have contributed financially. I am proud to say I am 72% of the way to being fully funded! I never would have imagined I would be blessed as much as I have, God is good! 

Well until next Saturday, enjoy the edge of your seat.

Yours truly,

Missionary Meg

If you are feeling led to partner with me on this journey through prayer or financially click here!

14 responses to “ins and outs of training camp”

  1. how beautiful it is to hear what the lord has been doing in your life !! keep spreading the JOY ❤️ your an inspiration to me

  2. Dear Missionary Meg – what a granddaughter. I’m growing just listening to you growing. And it appears to me – You are a writer! Where did that come from? I’ll pass on the bucket brigade. You are remembered in my prayers daily, and I think of you. Yup, some tears too. Just remember whose granddaughter you are. I love you MIssionary Meg! Pop Pop

  3. I see you still have your snarky sense of humor intact! Sounds like an amazing experience so far. Soak it alllllll in!

  4. Praying for you Meg! I’m thankful to read your testimony of how God is revealing himself to you.