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Hi everyone! Welcome to my first ever blog post… the why. I’m not going to lie, I feel a little late with this one. However, you will quickly learn I happen to be a procrastinator, oh the joy! Anyways, back to my why. 

I committed to doing the World Race in March. What led me to this decision is honestly something I am still figuring out even while I’m here at training camp. Although, what I can tell you is during the time in my life when I was deciding, I was not super optimistic. I was in a season of my life filled with confusion about what my future held. 

As a person who has gone to the same school since preschool, not knowing what followed next was scary. I applied to various colleges because in my head, college was the most practical route. As I ventured down the college road more, I kept feeling this little nudge. This nudge came from the mission trips I had been on throughout high school. Being the person I am, I did everything in my power to ignore these nudges. After all, the mission field was too scary and uncertain for a person like me, college was the obvious direction. Well after going through a tough time I realized that God was calling me to missions. Gone was the time of ignoring and denying, it was clear to me this was what God wanted for me. In complete honesty, this is all so crazy to me but I know a part of me would be feeling regret if I had done anything else. 

Alright, fast forward to knowing I wanted to do missions. YAY! I have finally made a definite decision of what I wanted to do. I can finally feel settled. Pranked! Now I need to figure out what mission organization I want to go though. Man oh man, let me tell you there are quite a few options out there. It was not until I talked to my inspiration for this all AKA Sara Kennel, that I was finally given some options that felt like they could be a reality. It was then that I searched up the World Race. I just remember being in school at the time reading through their website and saying to my friends look what I am going to do. It was the perfect fit for me and now that I am finally here I am confident that my decision was what God intended.

If you read this whole thing, you deserve a star! That was quite lengthy and I almost made it longer. But I wanted to add, thank you to all the people who are praying and who have helped with financial support. You all are truly a blessing and I can not thank you enough.

Till next time,

Missionary Meg

If you are feeling led to partner with me on this journey through prayer or financially click here!

16 responses to “why the world race”

  1. Hello Missionary Meg!
    I loved hearing more deeply about how your missionary adventure became reality! Your search for God’s will is admirable. I’ll be following and praying and printing out any pics that are available!
    Love you, Gam 🩵

  2. Missionary Meg! I love it!💗 I’m so excited that you are in tune with the Lords calling right now in your life and that your heart is open to receiving it. May you feel the bounty of those two practices and may you feel them daily. Yes, we’re praying here in PA for you. Please reach out if you need anything else! Much love coming your way from the Lachers!

    • thank you so much Jen! The support is very appreciated and can’t wait to see what all God has in store for me 🙂

  3. I am so excited to follow your blog! You are going to grow so much and it will be awesome! Enjoy each moment and it’s ok to struggle sometimes. We are praying for you.

  4. So proud of you and I am praying every step of the way. God will guide you and hold your hand. Sending all the hugs your heart can hold ❤️

  5. Missionary Meg!!!! Love this! So glad you are being brave to follow that little nudge and see where God will take you. In my prayers! Can’t wait to hear what happens next!